Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Daily Schedule- A Day in the Life in Trumpistan

Having regularity will be important in the new American world order. I've come up with a schedule that you can use as a starter template.

8:00 - 10:00 AM  Breakfast, followed by two hours of quiet grieving over the big step down of America as the greatest nation on earth and leader of the free world. The shining beacon on the hill is gone or moved elsewhere. As Paul Simon wrote in his America, "you live so well, so long." Surely none of us saw the end coming this way this soon, but if we've been paying attention to things like our slipping in the ratings of education of our young internationally and the condition we've collectively allowed our national infrastructure to decline to, this hit perhaps should not have come as a surprise, but as the final insult. 
Do some writing, watch old episodes of Rachel Maddow, have a little chocolate.

10:00- 12:00 AM  Analysis of what went wrong. Look for lessons learned. Review various Bernie scenarios and do a little research on the list of individuals, organizations, PACs, superPACs, foreign and domestic governments and their agencies, fake press and social media sites all committed, as their life's mission, to bring down the Clintons. 

12:00- 2:00 PM  Lunch, Trump voter understanding and outreach. Find some channel of communication with Trump supporters and attempt to understand their condition and what they want, what they are so mad about and why they think Trump really cares about them and believe he has any real capacity, interest or plan to do anything about their situation. From experience, trying to explain that the shortcomings of the Obama administration were largely due to a Republican congress committed to blocking any proposed legislation is largely either not heard and a waste of time. Pointing out that any attempt, however unlikely, of Trump actually trying to deliver on any jobs-related legislation would run afoul of that same Republican congress that has shown no interest in improving the lives of anyone neither rich or a corporation.Explaining that blue states by and large subsidize red states, and that shrinking government translates directly to a worsening of their quality of life through dismantling of agencies put in place to protect consumers and assure timely delivery of expected government services also tends not to be heard or well understood. Finally, outlining the difficulties in restoring manufacturing jobs or in slowing the trend toward robot based mechanization tends not to be taken seriously. Like Dorothy in Emerald City, there's a blind faith in Trump the Wizard delivering them from the shadows of low paying jobs, undocumented immigrants taking the good ones, bloated corrupt government wasting their money and the creeping menace of insurgent radical Muslims.
Still, with some care and patience you can find common ground. There's always weather and sports.

2:00- 4:00 PM  Angst and Disarray. Somehow despite the fact that Hillary got more votes than anyone in American political history, and won the popular vote by what was at last count approaching 2 million, it is the wont of the media to chastise the Democratic party and describe liberals as "in disarray". I have not seen much to substantiate this claim but if the experts are right, I wouldn't, being limited in perspective to my "bubble". But it is worth using this time to check in with who's in and who's not in the emergent coalition of the left. 

4:00- 5:00 PM  Organize. As difficult as the election results are to accept and make sense of, and as hard as it is to find a silver lining, there is one for liberals. We all went into that fateful Tuesday night expecting a quick and decisive victory for Hillary, after which we'd have a celebration and head off to sleep knowing that at least for the next four years the world would be safe, we'd have some assurance of consumer protections and oversight of the financial community, and be able to count on another few years of social security and Medicare. But without a huge win in House and Senate, things would likely be no better for Hillary in getting anything useful accomplished than the stalwart obstructionism presented to Obama. On top of that, the witchhunting partisan investigations would continue ceaselessly as the only productive work of the House. For all the thought out intelligent plans for the much needed improvement in so many areas, they were doomed to fail by the intransigence of our majority party. 
The silver lining is the anger and frustration of the new majority who won the popular vote but lost the election. Anger and frustration fueled by the divisive hate-based rhetoric of Trump and cheered by his followers. Anger that our country was being seized by a rancorous and fascist administration that stands against everything this country was built on. The lining is that a large number of people, citizens, voters, are now paying attention and getting involved, committed to getting our country back.The GOP built their current hegemony by starting from the grass-roots, local level. The Trump backlash will homogenize the long list of minority groups that he's insulted, demeaned and demonized, as well the current Trump supporters who will feel betrayed when no wall is built, no jobs are produced, no coal production was increased and the world, rather than becoming safer, turns darker.
The New Left will mobilize, monitor and challenge this administration and will actively field and challenge incumbents at the state and local level beginning in 2018. The New Left will also have the chance to shift it's alliance with Wall Street and big business to a focus on bolstering unions and the middle class, 
This time should be spent in gathering ideas, getting smart on laws and policy, targetting local seats to go after and gathering resources.

Evening activities- One past time worth some exercise is trying to figure out where the true conservatives have gone and what may become of the GOP. Up until the election results rolled in, it was possible to discern a yawning gap between the Trump wing and the GOP establishment. At issue was the future role of the angry right wing white racist-ish voter in the emergent GOP. This is of interest because as Priebus acknowledged in the famous "autopsy", the party cannot survive long depending on this demographic, despite recent results. If the GOP does not transform, it is doomed to extinction, and transformation depends critically on finding a way to expand the base beyond white males and non-college educated voters. Core messaging of the Trump campaign is diametrically opposed to any real survival strategy. A Trump loss may have triggered another reassessment and to some decision on whether the future of the party will be dependent on the populist, nationalist, white non-college educated base. That day or reckoning has been delayed but true conservatives should be trying to determine whether the new GOP is to be characterized by the Trump identify, white nationalist core, or by the principles of what used to be the Buckley or Rockefeller Republicans. And if the latter, what becomes of the Trump base and how can the true conservatives succeed in expanding the base and moving toward the political center? Democrats are already retrenching and regrouping. Republicans are reveling in an airy status borne of control of the congress and White House, but the honeymoon between the new president and his congress may not last long and they should decide now what their core principles are and who will ultimately be driving policy. Beyond that they need to think through how they will survive Trump and the liberal wave he's put in motion.

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