Saturday, November 19, 2016


This journal will be a dynamic work in progress based on lessons garnered from credible news sites, social media and safe resistance ham frequencies.

If you excavate this in the future or happen to be a benevolent alien race, please note that America, the progressive cultural, intellectual and economic leader of the planet, was toppled in 2016. Historians will long analyze and debate the causes, but it was not for the most part an external conquest. Rather, the real reason may be the failure of the beleaguered and downtrodden middle class, long the financial engine politically committed to subsidizing the excesses of the rich and the shortfalls of the poor and the elderly, to stretch and save the country one more time. In the election of 2016 a fascist demagogue, surrounded by a clutch of ultra-right idealogues, were swept into office.

This guide is intended to help provide a grounding for those in whose hands it will be, again, to pull things together and bail this country out.

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