Saturday, November 19, 2016

Starter Rules

Rule 1: Be white and male. If white, female and a Trump voter, be clear on what your party's testosterone crazed old males think of you- You are an object and aside from the value of your vote, not distinguishable from cattle. Remember the moral outrage following the Access Hollywood tape, the Miss Universe flap and the dozens of women who came forth with allegations of groping? This is not new and all indications are the attitude is likely to be institutionalized.
Rule 2: Be rich and or famous. (Note: If not also white and male, WATCH YOUR BACK!!)
Rule 3: Pray. If you don't have a god, get one. You never know. If shopping the Christian aisle looking for Cliff notes on fundamentals, skip the New Testament stuff. We're already 'way past that and we're still weeks away from the inauguration.
Rule 4: Cardio. Cardio. Cardio. You have to be fast and nimble to stay out of the nets of the deportation squads, internment roundup thugs and general right wing vigilantes that may be on the streets making America great again.
Rule 5: If you're a female, there's likely nothing affordable or accessible fast enough in a chastity belt. Think body armor and stock up on pepper spray and tazers.

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